
Friday, October 26, 2012

“Be Wise—Never Use Drugs or Alcohol”

“Be Wise—Never Use Drugs or Alcohol”
Be wise and never use drugs or alcohol because when you do use either drugs or alcohol then your choosing the wrong because when you do drugs you alcohol then you’re putting your life at risk. When you put your life at risk your also putting others life at risk because you are influencing them or encouraging them to do the same as you are doing. When you being wise and not doing drugs then you doing something good and setting a good influence on other people around you and you can also help people who are abusing the use of alcohol and drugs. When you never do drugs then you are saving your life because you are keeping that horrible substance out of your body and when you do that then you are helping yourself do better in life. Drinking alcohol while driving is a bad thing because first you are breaking a law by drinking alcohol while driving, second you can also cause a car crash and you can also put another life at steak. When you being wise you either wait till you done driving to drink alcohol or you are being a good cause to other people and you don’t even drink alcohol at all. Now when you do drugs then you are doing something wrong because when you drug’s then it’s bad. Mostly all drugs are bad because they can do a lot of harmful effects to you or they can e

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